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Hunza, now an administrative district in the Gilgit-Baltistan Province of Pakistan, has remained an independent princely state since time immemorial. Hunza river rises on the Khunjerab pass and receives many tributaries on the way before joining Gilgit river near Gilgit city. It has three major parts inhabited by distinct ethnic population. Most of the population of the Upper Hunza is Wakhi who have migrated from Wakhan during recent centuries. The middle Hunza Valley is home to the original Burusho people, whereas lower down, the majority is Shina speaking Shin people. Historically Hunza Sate comprised right hand villages of the middle valley and both sides of the upper Hunza Valley. Left hand of the middle Vally and both sides of the Valley lower down belonged to the Nagar sate.

The Maharaja of Kashmir undertook many campaigns for the control of Hunza and its neighbouring state Nagar during 1880s but failed. The twin states were finally overcome by the British forces in the hotly contested “Hunza-Nagar Expedition” of 1891. Hunza remained a vassal state of the British Empire till it acceded to Pakistan in 1947.

Hunza rulers, called "Tham" or "Mir" had their seat in two strongholds, Baltit and Altit, Baltit being the major one. The Mir Family abandoned Baltit fort in 1945 and built new resedences for themselves lower down in Karimabad. The centuries old Baltit Fort has been become a Heritage Museum, after some restoration work by Aga Khan Trust for Culture Historic Cities Support Programme. The Museum is managed by the Baltit Heritage Trust.

Baltit and Altit fortes are among many tourist attractions of Hnza Nagar Valley.

Here are some pictures of the Baltit Fort and its surroundings.


Karakorum Highway
Landscape on the way to Hunza
A bridge on KKH
Short tunnels have been built on the KKH to avoid landslides and stone-shoots
Entering Nagar
In Nagar
A glacier-fed strean in full spate
A village in Nagar
Ultar Ravine in Hunza
Karimabad, Hunza Street
Ascending Baltit Heights
Ancient Houses preserved
Approaching Baltit Fort
Stone and mud building
Street under  the Fort walls
Hunza-Nagar view from Baltit Heights
Looking up the Fort Ramparts
The Guard Room
Waiting for our turn to enter the Fort
Narrow and winding staircaes were meant to prevent a rush on the Fort
Ancient Bow
Carved Pillar in the Cour-Room
A room in the Fort
A typical Hindukush-Karakorum Room
The royal Kitchen
The Royal Throne
View of Hunza Valley from the Fort
View of the Valley
View of Hunza Valley from the Fort
Mir of Hunza
Mirs of Hunza and the State Flag
Wood paneling inside the Fort
Ceremonial Robes used by the Mirs
Water dinking utensils
Calligraphy on the wall
Ancient Fire-arms
Musical instruments
Musical instruments
Southern Ramparts of the Fort
Looking down the cliff from the fort
View of the Ultar Gorge from the Fort
Looking up the Rakaposhi
A Website on the Culture, History and Languages of Chitral.